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Kindren Tree Mission?
What is the Kindren Tree?
  • Kindren Tree is a creative campus network of social enterprises.
  • Members engage in productive teamwork to sustain a social economy of inclusive incentives.
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What is the community mission?
  • Our Mission is to develop creative potential towards an all-inclusive prosperity that leaves no one behind.
  • We use a Go-GEDIE social incentive system to promote lifestyles of perpetual learning, resource sharing and supportive collaborations.
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GEDIE System?
What is a Go-GEDIE System?
  • Go-GEDIE refers to a Goal-oriented process serving a Grassroots Educational system within a Developmental Infrastructure and Economy.
  • It is designed as a cost-effective method to develop human potential while solving the prevalent problems faced by many struggling communities.
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How does the system work?
  • Education and Economy are socially connected through a Team-oriented service culture of sharing knowledge, talents and local resources.
  • The network grows stronger as members track the continual progress of their personal and collective team goals.
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Grassroots Education?
What is a Grassroots Education?
  • Grassroots Learning is a creative lifestyle focused on social development & the constant sharing of skills & knowledge.
  • Member groups manage educational workshops called "Lesson Tracks". They earn Aptitude points from their published cultivation of community skills.
  • Social learning points are connected to a team-oriented incentive network that explores the full potential of community members.
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Why would Grassroots Learning succeed?
  • Lesson Workshops develop local learning initiatives while organizing team efforts around the immediate needs of the community.
  • Teams must prove their progressive aptitude by keeping a portfolio record of project experiences and shared lessons.
  • This system is designed around efficiently conserving time, effort and financial resources for maximum effect with minimal waste.
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How do you measure Educational Progress?
  • Aptitude Points and Mission Medals are some of the attributes earned for managing Lesson workshops.
  • These marks have 4 ranking levels of progressive skill: Student, Trainee, Expert and Professor.
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What are Specialty Skill Aptitudes?
  • These "Spell" points range from 1 to 360 and track the progressive growth of a particular Skill applied to serving the community.
  • Lesson admins earn each point by managing a learning Event with enough ranked participants to qualify for a single point upgrade.
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What are Spelling Days?
  • Each Specialty Skill ("Spell") category and Mission Medal is grouped under a classification system using days of the week from Monday to Saturday.
  • This framework is inspired by the MLX story project and it reflects the cyclical nature of our learning method. The "Sunday" category is reserved for administrative tasks.
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What are Mission Medals?
  • Medals are awarded to Lesson admins for achieving a collection of ranks in related Spells.
  • These function as academic degree programs and are permanently locked into the system as opposed to Spell Points that can be lost over time from inactivity.
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Kindren Saint Teams?
What is a Kindren Saint?
  • This is a massive community service Team & social enterprise given an identifying number from #00 to #99 within its assigned Campus.
  • Each Saint enterprise has a roster of numbered regional subdivisions called Anther Varsities.
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What is an Anther Varsity?
  • This is a regional subdivision within a Kindren Saint Team. Each Varsity is managed by a Captain and assigned a number from #00 to #99 within its Team. It also represents up to 100 of the sponsoring Branch Colleges.
  • Anther Mission Pioneers (or "Anthers/Missioneers") are key members of a Varsity administration who serve as spokespersons for their Varsity. They also help promote resource sharing and goal productivity within the Mission Team.
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What is a Branch College?
  • This is a local subdivision within an Anther Varsity and each Branch is managed by a Dean administrator.
  • Numbered from #00 to #99 under the Varsity's account, a Branch unit also serves as a unified voting bloc and Member support group.
  • Each Branch pledges a pre-set amount of its Voting points to its Varsity to support mission activities.
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Why are there Numbered Spots?
  • Numbered spots are linked together with a 3-letter Campus Code to easily identify a particular sub-divisional unit within the network.
  • For example, an Identity code of "WDC.04.19.36" would correspond to the #36 Branch under the #19 Anther of the #04 Saint Team on the Washington DC Kindren Campus.
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What are Rally Events?
  • These are official gatherings of Saint Teams to serve their community through creative projects, resource sharing, conflict resolutions and/or productive learning workshops.
  • Member groups attending these Events can serve in educational lessons, collaborate their talents or simply share local resources while gaining "Kincentive" Points.
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What are Kincentive Points?
  • These are various Community reward points and collected game data designed to encourage Kindren Tree Teams to invest in their mission goals.
  • Saints, Varsities and Branches each have a different set of achievable reward points but they all interconnect to serve the Kindren Tree mission of social development.
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Creative Projects?
What is a Creative Project?
  • These are social arts assignments centered around Rally Events and featuring Members as they use their collective talents & resources to promote the overall Mission.
  • Teams and their members can earn a variety of points for participating in Creative Project Events.
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What is the MLX story project?
  • [MLX] is a Social Mission Urban Fantasy story and the original project that inspired the creation of the Kindren Tree community.
  • This creative project functions as a storytelling vehicle to promote the Kindren Tree mission.
  • It also allows members to serve in a variety of creative roles while earning points and paid contracts.
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Why should I make a Payment?
  • In order to sustain the Kindren Tree mission, we need to acquire funding through Sponsored Payments.
  • These payments come in the form of Branch Membership pledges to help cover the expenses of running the network.
  • Membership pledges are turned into related points for the various layers of community divisions.
  • These points are essential to how Teams, Branches and their Members conduct activities within the system.
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How do I make a Sponsored Payment?
  • For single membership pledges, follow the sponsoring procedures listed on the "Branch Mission" page. A link to this document should be visible from each Branch profile.
  • For Team pledges, follow the sponsoring procedures listed on the "Crown Mission" page. A link to this document should be visible from each Saint profile.
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Why should I Enroll?
  • Joining the Kindren Tree mission has many benefits like getting team support through our goal tracking system that helps you achieve your personal, creative or professional goals.
  • Enrollment also allows you to earn Branch and Community incentive points that are designed to encourage everyone to collaborate and explore their full potential.
  • Members can use their points to access the Branch and Community-wide resources shared through goal-supporting projects.
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How do I Enroll?
  • First, browse the Campus Team directories on this website to determine which Member Branch you would like to join.
  • Then, follow the enrollment procedures listed on the "Branch Mission" page, which should be visible from each Branch profile.
  • An enrollment key from the Branch admin is needed to access the membership form. After processing the application, the Branch admin may then add you to their Activity Sheet to track your points and goals.
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What is a "QuiBall" Conflict?
  • "QuiBall" is the name of the Conflict Resolution system used by Kindren Tree Members.
  • It's designed as a creative collaboration between conflicting parties to solve problems. Campus Haven Councils process each Quib Conflict like a coach helping its players to reach an ideal resolution.
  • The Plaintiff party is the "Pitcher" who pitches a reasonable "Quib" problem to the defendant "Catcher" party who must then use community resources to solve the issue. A good Resolution can bring rewards for everyone involved.
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I'm NOT a Member. How do I submit a Conflict?
  • First, go to the personal web link found on the profile page of the Branch to which you wish to pitch the problem.
  • Contact the Branch admins through the information provided on their community homepage. They can give you a special passcode link to an online form where you enter information describing the problem. The Haven Council will choose to either process the submitted Conflict or reject it as a failed Pitch.
  • NOTE: There may be a non-refundable fee for the Haven Council to process non-Member disputes.
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